
As a take off on Jeff Foxworthy's video let's see what we can come up with. It will also provide an opportunity to laugh at each other and ourselves.

You know your are a caregiver if.....

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When you feel like a jack of all trades. And your house looks like a mini nursing home with grab bars, lift chairs, shower chair, wheel chair, ramps and you are stocking disposal gloves, Depends, Ensure, Boost, pill bottles.

You run into your brother's hospice doctor at the liquor store on the day he starts brother on lasix and both you and the doctor are so worn out you don't even bother to hide from each other, even though you once served on the deacon committee at church together.

Good one,

I guess I posted my previous post on the wrong thread - you know you are a caregiver post on the wrong thread,

To pick up on Madge's thought from elsewhere- you know you are a caregiver when your kitchen table is piled with unopened mail and it isn't yours.

You think a Nursing Home would be a nice vacation :)

((((((Ellen)))))) my condolences on the loss of your mother. A 63 year old marriage is extraordinary. I am glad she did not linger long but am so sorry for your pain. Losing both parents within a 6 month period must be very difficult. My heart goes out to you. ((((((((hugs)))))))) and thank you for letting us know.

Reading all these comments is the best laugh I've had in a long time. Only us caregivers can joke about stuff like...poop, and oh yes!...those annoying, used, tissues folded neatly and stacked on a bedside table for further use, tissues folded and stuck up sleeves that come tumbling out when the shirt is removed, and all the missed tissues that I end up picking out of the washer and/or dryer.

JessieBelle, sounds like it is June, my mom looks like a burrito wrapped in her blankets. I told mom no heater on when it's 90° outside. So....

You know you're a caregiver (for an elderly person), if you carry a coat, hat, and gloves wherever you go even if it's summertime. Love my little momma who turns 101 on June 16!

You know you're a caregiver if it is the middle of May and the heat is on.

You know your a caregiver when:

When people tell you to "take care of yourself";

The prize is any Jim Beam that you can find, and don't forget, much older knees!

Is there a prize? You know you are a caregiver when your old knees are on the floor everyday, emptying the catheter bag. The plastic ones leak and this 81 year old couldn't find any glass...everything is plastic. I found in the recycle, a 1.75 liter Jim Beam bottle. Works fine although the male aide told me that he probably will never have another drink as long as he lives. LOL

You know you are a caregiver whenever someone asks "what are your plans for the weekend" and you answer "grocery shopping" :P

You can spell diarrhea without resorting to spell check, and discussing BM's is a normal part of your day!

You tote home bottles of drinking water every time you go to the grocery store, because your mother decided the tap water she drank for 85 years is not good enough for her anymore. Strange how things change when a new mule comes on the scene. Hee haw.

Went to the pool, exercised a bit, gossiped with the neighbors. Now I feel more cheerful, not so isolated. I plan to do this three times a week.

Great idea, going to go pick up a couple bottles of wine, NOW! Beer just will not cut it tonight. Thanks, cwillie.

Glad, I'm sending positive thoughts out into the universe for you. The right job, the BETTER job, just hasn't come up yet. Now go have a glass of wine, or some ice cream, or whatever it is that soothes you.

You would think I am a freaking felon or something! No, must be that I have the plague or I know oldpeopleitis!

Gladimhere, sorry you are having a bad day. Hope it gets better!

Cwillie, you are right! Sorry

In spite of having excellent qualifications for professional positions the employer just cannot get past the fact that caregiving does not mean mooching off folks, eating bonbons and watching tv all day! Sorry, very bad attitude today!

No ramiller, a caregiver makes plans for their own future so that their children hopefully are NOT saddled with their care.

You realize what your only chid is in for should you live to long.

You know you are a caregiver when a devastating stroke turns your angry parent into a docile lamb and you actually feel relieved.

I am not exhausted because I take care to get enough sleep. However, I am never caught up on housework, especially, laundry, and I hate both of my siblings and several of my husband's children.


You vowed never to have children, and now you are a parent to your parent O_O

You know your a caregiver if you have notes taped to your body reminding yourself to put Mothers robe in the dryer.You also know your a caregiver if you start the day with coffee and end the day with coffee and you never notice any energy from it.

You know you are a caregiver when you know more about caregiving than the CNAs at the NH, and have to instruct them on how to handle your loved one's needs - right down to how to operate a portable oxygen tank!!

If you walk into a medical supply store and feel like you are a kid in a candy might be a caregiver!

I acutally found myself a bit giddy when I walked into Binsons Medical they have everything ONLY a caregiver could want! : )

Luckylu there are always the side benefits of all that muscle building you are doing. I once had a call from a patient asking me to come over and stack the firewood closer to the house. I declined that invitation.

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