
  • 11 Ways to Keep Your Marriage Healthy While Caregiving

    The strain of caring for an aging parent (or in-law) takes a serious toll on a family caregiver’s relationship with their spouse. Use these tips to keep your marriage strong and prevent caregiver burnout from overwhelming both of you.

  • A Common Caregiver Confession: “I Secretly Wish My Ill Loved One Would Die”

    Watching an aging loved one decline is never easy, especially when they have a low quality of life. Caregivers experiencing burn out may wish for an end, not out of cruelty, but because they realize there is little they can do to help.

  • What questions should a caregiver ask when they go to the doctor with an elderly parent?

    When taking your elderly parent to the doctor, maximize your time on each visit by keeping a notebook with your questions, observations on mental or physical changes since the last visit, lists of medications, and recommendations for follow up care.

  • Strategies for Coping With Caregiver Stress

    Whether you’re taking care of a spouse or caring for elderly parents, stress can play a big part in being a caregiver. Learn to recognize the signs of caregiver stress and discover ways to decrease the strain you’re under.

  • How to Get Paid to Be a Caregiver for Parents

    Interested in taking care of elderly parents at home and getting paid? There are many resources that pay family caregivers for their services.

  • Coping With Seniors Who Won’t Accept In-Home Caregivers

    Families hire home care services to provide respite and quality care for seniors. But what is a family caregiver to do when their loved one refuses to cooperate with their new in-home care aide?

  • “I Promised My Parents I'd Never Put Them in a Nursing Home”

    Placing a senior in a nursing home can feel like a monumental failure, but this isn’t the case. Adjusting your attitude can help you realize that you are actually fulfilling the underlying commitment you made to your loved one.

  • Are Adult Children Responsible for Their Parents’ Debt?

    Many adult children are unaware of their parents’ financial situation until they step in to help manage money or begin the probate process. If you find that a parent has racked up some debt, it’s normal to wonder if you may be on the hook for repayment.

  • Bladder Control Problems in Elderly Men

    Many men develop bladder control problems as they get older. Explore treatment options and tips for dealing with urinary incontinence, overactive bladder and prostate problems.

  • Caregiver Guilt: How to Stop Feeling Guilty About Elderly Parents

    Family caregivers often feel guilty about aspects of their role, whether it’s how they cope with dementia behaviors or the desire to prioritize self-care. An elder care expert offers her tips for dealing with caregiver guilt.

  • The Importance of Counseling for Caregivers

    Caring for an aging loved one is a mentally and physically demanding job. Learn how caregiver counseling can help you achieve emotional stability and provide quality care.

  • A Story from the Sandwich Generation: Caring for Kids and Parents

    When I first heard the term “Sandwich Generation,” it didn’t occur to me that I was a member of this commendable group. I survived caring for multiple seniors, raising my children and working all at once.

  • 9 Ways Caring for Parents is Different From Caring for Children

    Many people mistakenly compare child rearing to caring for an aging parent, but, as many caregivers know, these two tasks couldn’t be more different.

  • Hiring a Live In Caregiver: Pros and Cons

    As parents age and require more and more help at home, live in care is often considered as an alternative to moving into senior living. Explore the costs, pros and cons of hiring a live-in caregiver.

  • Caregiver Statistics: Facts About Family Caregivers

    Millions of Americans step into the role of family caregiver without really thinking about this label or fully understanding the responsibilities and sacrifices that come with it.

  • Half-Truths: Sometimes Dementia Caregivers Have No Other Choice

    Christmas has come and gone, but in Mum’s mind the planning has just begun. When her anxiety returns and her questions become repetitive, white lies are what alleviate her worries.

  • Caregivers, Take Care of Yourselves at All Costs

    As a dementia patient, I see how much my wife handles on a daily basis. Caregivers like her are far from invincible, though, and it’s important for the entire family to recognize this and make respite time a regular occurrence.

  • Caregivers Are Only Human: A Realistic Approach to Burnout

    Dementia-related behaviors can wear on even the most level-headed caregiver. Instead of feeling guilty after lashing out, be gentle and honest with yourself and do whatever it takes to prevent future burnout.

  • What's in Your Parent's Wallet?

    Their wallet can tell you a great deal about their ability to manage their finances. Ensuring its contents are current and organized will help to extend their independence and make dealing with banks, Medicare and credit card companies simpler.

  • Coming Clean with Mum

    After researching the “ethics” of blogging, I realized what had been bothering me. I hadn’t been honest with Mum and it was time to tell her the truth.

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