
My Great-grandma outlived my grandma, and It's just this aching feeling that she's gonna go soon. I remember when I was little she would bring me cookies & do a lot for me. She lives right next to my house and I could see her any time I'd like, but she lives with some people that I dislike.. (Her daughter or my auntie lives with her and I don't mind seeing her but, my aunties boyfriend comes around and he's not nice..) Even though my family hasn't ever really treated me right.. She is one of the only people in my family who treats me and other people right, Any advice?..

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I'm sorry you're feeling distressed over this, but it's understandable. You don't say how old your Great-gramma is. I have an Auntie that helped raise me. She is now 102 years old. Even though she's been around so long I know that no one gets to live forever. We must come to peace with this fact and just love and enjoy them while they're still here on earth -- and be grateful for our all our wonderful time together.
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How old are you?

Assuming your great grandma is getting pretty old. You need to take a deep breath and come to terms with the fact that people fail and eventually die. It's inevitable. So try to stop being so scared about it. You're putting a lot of unnecessary stress on yourself.

I would try to get over to see her often, maybe for short visits. Try to go most when the not nice boyfriend isn't there but you also need to figure out a plan for how to deal with him. Mostly, I would try to not let him get under your skin. If he says mean things, well, he's a jerk and you should not let his comments bother you because you have to consider the source. Be the bigger person - let it go and just see your grandma. It's a big price to pay but it may be worth it so see her. Remind yourself that you're doing it for her and yourself.

Good luck.
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Try to pick a time your aunt's boyfriend isn't around and run over to see her. Maybe take her some cookies or a card and talk about when you were little. Take your phone and share some pictures with her. Just spend some time--it doesn't have to be a lot-maybe pop in every few days.
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vinnyvinnvinne Jan 2022
Thanks! :)
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