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Kimber, please do not leave out milk for a cat... cat are lactose intolerant once they become an adult... it will upset their stomachs big time. Cats prefer just plain old water :)

I love these bad cats and dogs stories as a humorous change to the sad and stressful posts on other topics. My husband is severely allergic to cats and dogs - although he adores them. So we have kind of adopted a beautiful black and white cat that patrols our yard in the morning looking for mice and chipmunks. My son leaves out milk for him and enjoys petting him. We don't own him but enjoy him.

Luckylu, That is magic! If ever Precious gets loose (never) you will know where to check first. What a cute little hamburgler.
Patties are Not on any menu, btw. you would have to beg.

Send....We don't have a hamburger place that just sells the patty.I wish we did but it's OK because the birds eat the bun.Sometimes she gets a "pup cup" from DQ though,a tiny ice cream cone.She just thinks it's so neat to see the food come out the drive thru window no matter what it is.That's magic to her.

Ha! I'll send him over, Ali. He says the pineapple upside down cake was delicious but less garlic in the lamb curry please - I've told him he'll get what he's given.

Don't break your dishwasher, CM. I'd love one -- the furry kind or electronic, because I have neither. :'-( lol


I have just made my dog jump so high he hit his head on the top rack of the dishwasher. But seriously??? I went to answer the phone, halfway through stacking. I come back to find his whole head and forequarters literally inside the machine while he "washes" the dinner plates for me, just his rear end and his tail sticking out.

He can consider himself lucky I didn't shove him in and switch it on!

Our hamburger place sells just the patties, it costs less than a full on burger.

Precious Loved going to get a hamburger,but hated having to share it with her sibling kitty cats,Odom and Bootsie.

Wake up human, time to play. Dinner? Treats? Wake up!

Speaking of light bulbs... my cat "Charlie", when he was younger, had a bad habit of leaping up to the light switch and turning on the lights [these were ceiling lights]. Wake up at 2 a.m., the bedroom would be totally lit, along with other lights throughout the house :P

Shamelessly pinched off the internet: how many dogs does it take to change a light bulb?

Border Collie - Just one. And then I’ll replace any wiring that’s not up to code.

Poodle - I’ll just blow in the Border Collie’s ear and he’ll do it. By the time he finishes rewiring the house, my nails will be dry.

Golden Retriever - The sun is shining, the day is young, we’ve got our whole lives ahead of us, and you’re worrying about a light bulb?

Dachshund - You know I can’t reach that stupid lamp!

Rottweiler - Make me.

Lab - Oh, me, me, me! Puh-leeeeeeze let me change the light bulb! Can I? Huh, can I? Huh, can I? Huh? Huh? Huh?

German Shepherd - I’ll change it as soon as I’ve led these people from the dark, checked to make sure I haven’t missed any, and made just one more perimeter patrol to see that no one has tried to take advantage of the situation.

Tibetan Terrier - Let the Border Collie do it. And while he’s busy, feed me!

Jack Russell Terrier - I’ll just pop it in while I’m bouncing off the walls.

Cocker Spaniel - Why change it? I just pee on the carpet in the dark.

Doberman - While it’s dark, I’ll sleep on the couch.

Boxer - Who cares? I can still play with my squeaky toys in the dark.

Chihuahua - Yo quiero taco bulb.

Irish Wolfhound - Can somebody else do it? I’ve got this hangover...

Pointer - I see it. There it is! There it is! Right there!

Greyhound - It isn’t moving. Who cares?

Australian Shepherd - First, let me get all the other light bulbs in a little circle.

Old English Sheep Dog - Light bulb? What light bulb? I don’t see a light bulb.

Hound Dog - ZZZZZZzzzzz.

When I walked Mom around the block,our black cat "Savvy" walked around it with us and just on a certain driveway we had to pass,she would lay down and roll over a few times.Then Mom and I would clap for her and we'd be on our way.We got the biggest kick outta that and the neighbors did too."Savvy" just Loved the applause.She Loved to show off.She was also the only cat I ever had that walked around the block with me....I'll always miss her.

I don't know what animals can understand but many animals do know when death is close. They will remain at the owners bedside and won't come away even for feed.
I do know that horses will remember all the moves in a Dressage test and do them all in the correct order.

Thanks for the idea to use Both names together for awhile Freqflyer and mom2mom.I appreciate it.
AntWthCabageLef...My Mother was very frail too,like yours and couldn't have the weight on her either.I hated that and so did Mom.I also believe that animals know more about us than we'd think and I think they know stuff that's going to happen before we do,like storms,death,etc.I also heard that dogs have a hundred word vocabulary.

I'm pretty sure this isn't fake news, by the way. Just in case that possibility crossed anyone else's mind too.

The BBC is having a meltdown. The occasion provides a wonderful opportunity to study an extreme form of cognitive dissonance.

A transgender woman, whose male-to-female sex change was approved and funded by the NHS out of the public purse while she was still serving her twenty year prison sentence, has been transferred from a men's prison to a women's prison as is her right well established in law and upheld by plenty of judicial precedent. The transfer will allow her to complete her sentence in surroundings appropriate to her new sexual identity.

The families of the two girls she was convicted of raping, however, are apparently not entirely happy with this arrangement. Moreover, the authorities in charge of the women's prison are also struggling with the implications of having a convicted rapist, with all her rights to free association, family life, etc. etc., made their responsibility.

The BBC news editors, meanwhile, find themselves between the rock of endorsing gender reassignment without reservation and the hard place of unreservedly championing the rights of survivors of sexual violence, particularly children. I fully expected my radio to explode under the pressure.

"luckylu, one way to change a pet's former name is to call him/her using his old name plus his new name, together. Eventually you can stop using his old name and he will respond to his new name."

That's what we did with our daughter !! But it only lasted a few days. She quickly decided to leave her old name, along with her old life, behind her and has been my sweet Nicole ever since.

luckylu, one way to change a pet's former name is to call him/her using his old name plus his new name, together. Eventually you can stop using his old name and he will respond to his new name.

Of all of our fur babies, Iggy, 3yr old cat has surprised me the most. Before mom's recent decline he barely even gave her the time of day, but since she has become bed-bound I can't keep him off of her. It wouldn't be a problem except that he is a 16+ lb lug and mom's frail body can't handle such weight. I will let him hang out in the bed with her as long as he stays to the side, but too often I will find him draped across her legs. That's when he gets carted off to the porch.
I truly believe our animals know more about us than many are willing to believe and it is more about us learning to read their cues in order to get a better understanding of their behavior.
BTW, love this thread :)

Yes, cats can do that. Unfortunately, I was on the loosing end.

When I met my ex husband- "The Donor" as he is now referred to - I had three cats that I loved. The Donor evidently wasn't a cat person - although I didn't find out the extent of it until after we were married.

One cat took up with the adult brother and sister that lived across the street. After they sold their house and were packing to move I went over and said it was okay for them to take Jake with them - I'm sure they would have anyhow. Another cat - Rocky, a stunning Himalayan given to me by my brother, went to live next door - he spent the rest of his days being taken to a beach house regularly by an older couple. They would hand feed him fresh crab - I wanted to move in with them too!  My brother still hasn't forgiven me for Rockys defection. 

It was the older couple who told me - after The Donor left, thank you very much - that they would frequently see him kicking my cats!

I guess I should have put two and two together- The Donor moves in - cats run away from home -  I could have saved myself a lot of heart ache instead I married the a$$hole. But then again I did get my precious Rainman out of the deal!

One cat did stay - although she wouldn't come in the house anymore. Wanda lived to be 15 and eventually became devoted to my new husband, although she still preferred the life of an outside cat. Still - she would come inside for a while, find hubby and sit in his lap - purring and drooling. Funny - hubby had the same effect on me!

The dog everyone wanted but didn't....
My chocolate spotted dalmation came with fear aggression. We were entering the door at the vet's when she attacked and broke the dalmation statue! I worked really hard to restore the statue. When I met hubs, a friend sent him over to help me walk her because other dogs would attack her.
I went to difficult dog training classes to help her.

Luckylu, cats do that. The people behind us at that time had 2 small children. My thoughts were the children were just being how kids can be with a pet and Simon did not like it. He was a neurotic cat, LOL!!! My kids were older and more gentle. I had another Siamese cat as a teen. She was such a sweet cat, would walk with us when we took the dogs out for a walk. We found out she also spent a lot of time with an older woman who lived behind my parents. Cats can have 2 homes when you let them be an indoor/outdoor cat. They still have loyality to those who treat them well and in your case and our case with Simon, their loyality was with you and me. They got what they needed in love from us.

Sharyn.....Simon picked you like Odom picked us.I returned Odom twice back to it's owners,my neighbors but he just kept coming back.They had some big dogs he didn't like and I think that's why or our vittles were tastier.Probably both.

I have a plastic resin cat statue in my backyard garden. When I bought it, we also had our Sassy Simon Siamese cat. As he wandered around the backyard, every time he came near this cat statue, he would swat it a couple times and move on his way, LOL!! It was so funny to see him slap and swat the statue. He liked to sleep on the upper back of an arm chair in the living room, when you walked past him, again, he would reach out to swat you. He actually was the neighbors cat (they lived behind us). He took up residents in our garage. We did not know who he belonged to, we ignored him for the first 3-4 weeks. Finally I couldn't take it anymore, I brought him in the house and fed him. He was now our cat. He was always getting into fights, getting the worst of it, vet bills....we neutered him. It was around that time we found out he actually belonged to the people behind us. Simon chose us.

Susan...I would've never named a cat or any pet "Odom" but that was what the neighbors he ran away from named him and he was already 5 years old and it was too late to change it,but really "Odom" suits this cat.
And mom2mom...It's really wonderful that you rescued Chester and his furry coat filled in beautifully after you did.He is lucky to have you.

The animal control shelter was in the back parking lot of my old job and I whenever I needed to de-stress at work I used to go there for a little cat time.

That was where I met Chester. He was older nut sure how old), overweight and looked like Mr. Bigglesworth except with random tufts of long black hair. He was probably just about the ugliest cat you had ever seen but was an awesome cuddler. I had to have him.

Animal control told me that he had been tot he vet but they had been unable to diagnose or fix his skin condition.

I brought him home and within a few months, he grew out the most beautiful long coat you have ever seen.. He is smoke which means that his undercoat one color (a soft gray) and his outer coat is another (very dark grey). He changes color as he moves. And he is still as snuggly as ever and loves other cats as well. Apparently his skin condition was just nerves all along.

Luckylu - yes, he got treats. He's become completely conditioned to the sound of the treat jar. I have 2 little glass jars I picked up at the dollar store to hold their treats. The cat can be sound asleep in another room and will hear me take the lid off the treat jar - he'll come on the run. The dog eats his food and then brings me his ball (which holds treats and he has to move the ball around to get them out). So the cat knows if the dog gets treats, he does too. It's nuts. I limit them to 2 treats a couple of times a day, so they don't go overboard with them.

Funny that your cat is named "Odom". Mine is Oscar. ;-)

My favorite thing today: an article on NPR website that includes video. Google "Olly the Terrier Face-Plants His Way to Dog Show Glory."

I want a little doggie just like that crazy little thing. :-)

It's about an adopted, 10 month old (if memory serves) Jack Russell Terrier.  I want one!   It's so cute and high energy, a total spazz.  Olly and I would get along very well, I think.  ;) 

Too funny Susan! Did you find something to give him?
They are persistant,I know."Odom" my big ,fat .old man cat wants this stew they sell at the store for 99 cents a serving/package and it's so expensive and hard to find sometimes but he thinks he has to have it everyday and begs me till he gets his way.It drives me crazy............and broke.

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