Senior Health

  • Providing Healthful Post-Hospital Care for Seniors

    Providing healthful post-hospital care for seniors can prevent unnecessary re-hospitalization. Discover 5 tips for effective care following a hospital discharge.

  • ‘Mini Strokes’ Can Have Mega Health Effects

    A mini stroke, also known as a transient ischemic attack (TIA), can seem like a minor incident at first, but the long-term effects of TIAs can be very serious for people of all ages.

  • 3 Ways Blood Pressure Meds Can Lower Your Dementia Risk

    Taking medication to manage high blood pressure may provide protection against Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia.

  • In Pain? Blame Your Brain

    One of the most frustrating and debilitating forms of pain is chronic pain. Chronic pain can last for years and is hard to treat. Understanding the mind-body connection can help people cope with chronic pain.

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  • 5 Healthy Foods That Interact With Medications

    Eating a nutritious diet and taking medications as prescribed by a doctor may seem like a recipe for good health, but even wholesome ingredients like leafy greens and fruit can cause food-drug interactions. Keep an eye out for these unsafe combinations.

  • The Best Time of Year to Get a Flu Shot

    Does the timing of your vaccine play a role in how protected you are throughout the entire flu season? See what the CDC recommends for the best possible protection against the flu and related complications.

  • Find Care & Housing
  • 10 Things That Make You Feel Old and What To Do About Them

    Discover ways to outwit the everyday things that make you feel old. The idea that aging is an uncontrollable, unstoppable force is faulty. Making small, simple lifestyle changes can improve your physical and mental wellbeing.

  • Beating Chronic Pain in the Elderly

    Pain is one of the most complex symptoms to treat. Sufferers aren’t always able to pinpoint exactly where they hurt, making the diagnosis and treatment tricky. But pain shouldn't keep your elderly loved one from enjoying activities they enjoy.

  • Flu Fake-Out: Fall Allergies Annoy Americans in East, Mid-West

    Seasonal allergies can be just as potent in the fall as they are in the spring. No matter when they strike, the symptoms are the same: nasal congestion, watery eyes, runny nose and irritated sinuses.

  • Caregiving and Menopause: How To Handle The Double-Whammy

    Since menopause typically begins somewhere between the ages of 45 and 55, many women are finding themselves thrust into the role of caregiver right around the time they begin experiencing the first symptoms of menopause.

  • Sepsis: The Common Cause of Death You've Never Heard Of

    Septic shock can develop from common infections and become life-threatening very quickly. Make sure you know the signs of infection and the symptoms of sepsis so you can seek treatment without delay.

  • Hepatitis C: Have You Been Tested?

    More than one million seniors are infected with the Hep C virus, but many don't even know they have the disease. Early diagnosis of HCV leads to better treatment outcomes. Add the test to your routine medical screening.

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  • Recommended Vaccines for Seniors

    Decreasing an aging loved one’s risk of contracting preventable yet potentially deadly diseases, such as Covid-19, flu or pneumonia, is as simple as getting a shot (or two). These are the CDC guidelines for senior vaccinations.

  • 6 Reasons Caregivers Need More Sleep

    Finding time to sleep is one of the hardest things for a caregiver to do, but these six reasons demonstrate why caregiver respite should be a priority in any elder care plan.

  • Combatting the Epidemic of Loneliness in Seniors

    Isolation and loss are two side effects of aging that can negatively impact one’s physical and mental health. Discover how to help lonely seniors reengage with their surroundings and pursue meaningful social connections.

  • A Geriatrician’s Take on Elders Who Refuse to Go to the Doctor

    Fear, denial, thriftiness, distrust, and embarrassment are common reasons why seniors avoid doctor’s appointments. Fortunately, there are strategies caregivers can use to ensure aging loved ones receive the medical care they need.

  • Geriatricians: The Antidote to Ageism in Senior Healthcare

    Ageism isn’t just hurtful—it is also harmful. When health care professionals perpetuate ageist attitudes, senior patients’ health care outcomes suffer.

  • How to Help a Senior Safely Manage Allergy Season

    Allergies are common for people of all ages, but they can have a greater impact on the elderly. Explore tips for managing seasonal allergies along with recommendations for safe antihistamines to add to a senior's medication regimen.

  • What It Feels Like to Be Old

    Aging is not something we can fully understand until it happens to us. Sometimes, it feels as if seniors are being unnecessarily difficult, but if you put yourself in their shoes, you'll find that aging gracefully can be a challenge.

  • The Importance of Breast Cancer Screening for Caregivers

    Family caregivers tend to put their own needs last, including doctor’s appointments. But, delaying checkups and screenings like mammograms jeopardizes not only your health but also that of your care recipient.

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