
My mother who is in Stage 4 of PD has come up with the theory that the Depends are 'making' her go in them so as of today she wants to not wear them. Is that possible for Depends to make a person incontinent? It doesn't sound likely to me but then I'm not her and I'm not wearing them. Mom has become very good at trying to rationalize many of the symptoms of her condition and blaming everything in the world on something other than Parkinson's itself so I was wondering if this was another 'rationalization'. We have just recently started using the adult diapers because the slim Tena pads just sometimes didn't 'make it'. Any one out there who knows the answer to my question and could give it to me, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you and Happy Easter.

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I started writing a response -- then I realized this post is 4 years old! :)
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The most common reason for urgency and frequency in older women is urinary tract infection AND it is often preceded by confusion. So, NO! Wearing a diaper does not add to incontinence, it just makes someone feel more comfortable and less frightened (therefore less anxious) about accidents. Modesty is very important at any age! Please, have the incontience investigated each and every time it re-presents itself. And if it happens often, have the Urologist put the patient in a program like Cranberry daily, sufficient amounts of fluids by mouth, etc...
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To 2 much 2 cover.That is the same thing that happens to my mother.I can't figure it out.I am glad to here.There is no reason .Thank you.
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yes. i know it comes out so fast. it upsets my mother. we are baffled as to why it comes in cycles. she can be ok for a few days and then goes ever hour, huge amounts. no dr can give definite reason for this. It is very embarassing for the person so i guess it is not unreasonable for them to look for reasons. I also use disposable "chucks" and a waterproof pad on the bed.
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Thanks 2much2cover. I do know that Parkinson's causes urgency and bladder probs and I'm willing to chalk it up to that.(Mom of course isnt'. She's always on the hunt for a solution because she's tired of all the things PD is doing to her and who can blame her.) A few weeks ago I took her to the dr. thinking maybe it was a bladder infection. That was ruled out so me playing Dr. House thinks it's PD. What's happening now is that she rings the bell but she's already peed in them when I get there 15 secs later. I think the Depends are a godsend at this point because I would have had major cleanup 2X in the middle of the night last night. Mom has atrilalfibrilation (heart) and takes meds for that which have worked. In any event time will tell right.
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Have you ruled out any medical issues for the incontinency? My family member has bouts of incontinency(she knows she has to go but it comes out too fast to get either a bed pan or to the besdie commode). She has a prolapse which might be causing it, which also causes infections which also might cause it. on top of that some reading says that irregular heartbeat produces a chemical called BNP that can cause urinary frequency.
Ruling out medical issues, when my family member was in a nursing home from rehab, the response to the bell for help getting to the bathroom was terrible. so she was giving up and just going in the depends. so I think there is such a thing as learned incontinency or just giving up if no one helps you.

maybe the thickness of the depends keeps her from realizing she is going and if she wasn't wearing them maybe she means she would know and hold it until she could get to the bathroom?

sorry i can't be more specific in your case. i am not a medical professional.
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