Olfactory Loss in the Elderly

  • Help Seniors Who've Lost Sense of Smell, Hearing, Vision

    Older adults often start to lose their senses as they age, making them more susceptible to injury and harm.

  • How to Sneak Calories and Nutrients Into a Senior's Diet

    Caregivers know that seniors need proper nutrition in order to maintain and improve their health, but how do we make this happen when they don’t want to eat?

  • How to Convince a Senior to Wear Adult Diapers

    Can’t get Mom to wear adult diapers? Addressing incontinence issues requires patience, understanding and a commitment to upholding a senior’s dignity. A caregiving expert shares her best tips for handling this delicate topic.

  • Why Seniors’ Tastes Change with Age

    Many older adults experience a loss of taste and no longer enjoy the foods they once loved. Depending on the underlying cause, a doctor may be able to suggest treatment options and methods of coping with this problem.

  • Learning to Savor Mum's Stories

    The repetition of Mum’s stories could make me crazy, but on good days I find ways to cope. The trick is to keep the conversation fresh. I amuse myself and make Mum happy.

  • Quick and Healthy Foods for Seniors Who Are Picky Eaters

    Much to their caregivers’ dismay, many seniors experience appetite loss and even refuse to eat as they get older. Keep these tasty, nutritious and easy-to-prepare foods on hand to entice your loved one to eat and help them maintain a healthy weight.

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